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7 Signs that you don’t know how to spell Narcissist
…and why this might be a problem for you.
1. Narcossist.
Problem: You’re on drugs.
2. Nazicyst.
Problem: You really shouldn’t have tattooed a swastika onto to your genitals and a cyst is beginning to form.
3. Nasticris.
Problem: A Freudian slip. Your colleague Chris is going to be very upset when he discovers that you think he’s nasty.
4. Mars/exist.
Problem: You’re not strictly a narcissist, but you do think you’re Galileo Galilei.
5. Markatsix.
Problem: You’ve got a date with Mark at Six. You’ve just re-read his profile and are really hoping he doesn’t turn out to be a narcissist.
6. Nargissist.
Problem: You think you’re a daffodil. If you were an actual daffodil, the thought wouldn’t have entered your head, because daffodils don’t have brains.
7. Marsiscis.
Problem: You’ve got gender issues, particularly with regards to trans people serving in the military.
8. I’ve read your article, clapped, commented, provide a link to my Medium account which frankly, is so much funnier than yours, and you haven’t followed me you asshole.
Problem: You’re an innumerate narcissist.