As an Australian, let me say you have left out a key element in all this - indigenous Australians, with cultural traditions dating back over 40,000 years. A reckoning has been coming for the white (Christian) colonisers, myself included, and in the face of the oldest continuous culture on earth, the cultural premise of Christianity looks laughable. A god given right to pillage the land versus the people’s responsibility to be custodians of the land. Have Australian’s achieved reconciliation with the First Nations? No. But at least they’re on the path. If you can watch The Chant of Jimmy Blacksmith and remain a Christian then good for you.
Piling on the years of theft, abuse and corruption, only makes it more untenable.
It’s easy to imagine where Jesus would stand and it wouldn’t be inside a church.
For many Australians that remain Christians it is simply a cultural tradition. There are better ways to do good work in the community.