As humans, we are all full of greed, selfishness and violence. Violence is perhaps the easiest to understand. Yes, humans have violence in their nature, but as long as I don’t go around bashing people, it is not a problem as such.
Likewise, greed itself isn’t the problem as such, it is how it manifests itself.
I agree that fairness is a nebulous, subjective term. Information asymmetry, however, is not. That is, one party having knowledge that the other doesn’t. This information asymmetry can quickly cross over into deception.
The market forces arguments routinely ignore who controls the market. How is the price of adrenaline in Australia and America so different, for two avowed proponents of market forces?
$100 bike man? Overheard the daughter whispering to dad, “I hope no one notices the dodgy brake”. He has information the other doesn’t. If everyone has the same information made available to them, the disparity is rarely so great.
Caveat emptor doesn’t imply the vendor is righteous.