As someone who has studied engineering I like to think I know quite a bit about art. Coming from a engineering background, at some point I went in search of an answer to the "what is art?" question. There is only one satisfactory answer. "Art is what you think is art." That is, 100% subjective. This may seem inconvenient to many in Artworld, which brings me to my first point, Artworld is not purely concerned with art.
Artworld has its own set of rules beyond the free form sprawling of art itself. Kinda like how we might think Christians are all about Jesus, when in fact what Jesus had to say can be quite inconvenient for them at times.
So in many ways, you're right to "blame" Duchamp and his urinal for a lot of this. What I call "One liner art", of which Tech Bros Art seems to be the latest incarnation. So why is Tech Bros Art so sus? Mostly the tech bro's buying the stuff trying to convince themselves they know something about art. Reminds me of the accountant who tried to convince me he knew better how to run my restaurant because he went to a restaurant once.
For Artworld, just like prosperity gospellers, cashflow is typically the highest priority.
For my part, I expect I'm enjoying my Deutsche Grammaphon recording of Stranvinsky's Petrouchka by the London Symphony Orchestra, which I purchased at the Op Shop for $1, more than Mr Tech Bro is enjoying his $14million NFT. Hell, I'm probably enjoying Gerd Haase's cover illustration more.