…that “accidentally” kill millions of animals.
Hi Jay, thanks for a very interesting discussion. I appreciate that you have put accidentally in quotes, because sadly, a lot of roadkill is not accidental. I live in Tasmania, possibly the roadkill capital of the world, yet have never managed to kill one of the numerous marsupials that litter the roadside. Why? Because I am careful not to, and yes, I drive a lot on country roads. Thus, in my opinion, most of the roadkill is the result of carelessness and intent, a very small proportion being due to actual accidents. Allowing people to eat roadkill only encourages this carelessness, or people “hunting” with their cars.
Roadkill is not without harm. In fact, most roadkilled animals die a slow, excruciating death. Those that don’t, dying instantly on the road, often result in further roadkill of the likes of quolls, tasmanian devils and birds, scavenging for meat. That this includes endangered species is a further concern.