"Identity Politics Free Ways To Make Lives Better"
Ditching the jargon and simply going with Make Lives Better is a reminder of what the solution is meant to achieve.
All of your solutions centre around truth and transparency which I applaud. And how "class" is conveniently left out of the "identity" equation? Couldn't agree more.
The solutions absolutely should be Identity Politics Free otherwise they are solving nothing. Identity Politics solves nothing. Yet, it is a pathway to understanding. It's one of the initial conditions against which we measure whether the experiment worked. That's why I don't think the "swap out" eg, swap white for black, or whatever is that helpful. Society is not a Petri dish, it's a dynamic system. It's like setting a different initial temperature for an experiment and saying that shouldn't make any difference - it does. For example, it's why nutritional research on "live" subjects is incredibly difficult - coincidence, correlation or causal? Actual conditions matter and we can't isolate individual elements away to determine causality.
Still, I agree that Identity Politics to some extent has become a cheap "divide and conquer" strategy for the elites.
I'm all for social mobility too, having been the beneficiary of Australia's once free education system. This, however, should be a personal choice not a moral or cultural imperative. Social validity should also be considered. Not everyone gets to be Queen, so it must be OK to be a worker or para-agnostic Hindu-Methodist fusionist, or whatever, just do no harm.