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Maatsuyker Island Playlist

I’m completely insane and I’ll prove it!

Robert Gowty


Lighthouse. By the author with AI.

Off the south coast of sunny Tasmania is the even sunnier lump of rock know as Maatsuyker Island. OK, maybe not that sunny given its close proximity to Antartica.

The Maatsuyker Island Lighthouse is the last remaining lighthouse in Australia maintained by a lightkeeper. You can apply for a six month residency to take on the position.

I’ve contemplated applying for the position one day. What could be more fun than spending six months on a God forsaken, freezing, wind swept hell hole at the end of the Earth? That’s a rhetorical question, folks. And no, I’ve never been to Ibiza.

Better pack some movies.

So I’ve decided to roll the Plethora of Pop Desert Island Movie Challenge and my Maatsuyker Island planning into one. Two birds with one stone, and so forth. I’m not sure what makes me more insane, the desire to reside on Maatsuyker Island or my movie selections. Let’s see.

1. David Lynch’s Dune.

One of the fun things about Medium is that you’re learning new words all the time. Today’s fun word is cinéaste. This is someone who suffers from cinephilia



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