Yeh, there were full page ads in the Mercury the other day for "China Rising" which appeared to be some sort of Sky News hysteria piece. The way Xi was rendered as some sort of computer game villain was just bizarre.
Sorry to hear about your rental situation, I know how tough it is over there. Moved to Tassie over a decade ago, yet that's not the desirable housing option it once was. I hope we see the back of Scotty Pants-on-fire and the Libs at the next election, even though Labor has effectively capitulated to the penny pinching rental property investors. Negative gearing is subsiding inequality and should be ended. There was a heartbreaking segment on Triple J yesterday with people calling in with all sorts of rental woe as Covid measures lift. Every Australian, including renters, should have the right to not just a house, but a home.
What are we doing instead? Buying some nuclear-plated toothpicks to throw at the Chinese. Disgraceful.
All the best to you and your family.